Acupuncture therapy involves the needling of specific points on the body known as acupuncture points.
It is recommended for the treatment of pain and for relief from nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, substance dependency, and chronic disorders difficult to manage with conventional treatment.
To understand the mechanism of acupuncture, ultrasound-based techniques are employed.
Ultrasound constitutes an ideal medium for evaluating the biomechanical effects of needle manipulation on the tissue.
The Mini Linear Handheld Wi-Fi Ultrasound Scanner MLCD tends to be the best choice for our Acupuncturist clients. In which it controls the needle insertion path and, if needed, the possibility to modify the needle depth or angle without the risk of damaging adjacent structures.
It can provide both qualitative and quantitative data. In the whole arena of Aesthetics & Wellness, energy medicine, physiological medicine.
Ultrasound-guided injections allow the practitioner to visualize the needle in real-time as it enters the body and traverses to the desired location. This assures that the medication is accurately injected at the intended site.
With ultrasound imaging, the perimuscular fascia is visible as an echogenic line separating two tissues of different echogenicity and compressibility (subcutaneous tissue vs. muscle).
Ultrasound has the unique advantage of yielding both images of tissue morphology and biomechanical information.
Reference: Using Ultrasound to understand Acupuncture,