Neuromuscular disorders are a group of diseases that affect the peripheral nervous system, which includes all of the motor and sensory nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body.
The most common symptom of these disorders is progressive muscle weakness.
Symptoms of neuromuscular disorders
The symptoms of the neuromuscular disease vary according to the condition and may be mild, moderate, or life-threatening. Some of these symptoms may include:
· Muscular weakness
· Muscle wastage
· Muscular cramps
· Muscle spasticity (stiffness), which later causes joint or skeletal deformities
· Muscle pain
· Breathing difficulties
· Swallowing difficulties.
Depending on the condition, neuromuscular disorders are diagnosed using a range of tests, including electrical tests known as nerve conduction studies (to measure the ability of nerves to conduct electricity), electromyography (EMG) to examine the health of a muscle, blood tests, muscle biopsies, and genetic testing.
Treatment varies widely, according to the individual disorder, and some conditions are more easily treated than others.
Moreover, neuromuscular ultrasonography is a versatile diagnostic technique for nerve and muscle disease that can be combined with other procedures such as nerve conduction studies, serum creatine kinase, and tissue biopsy to help diagnose nerve and muscle disease.
Indeed, Physicians can use high-resolution ultrasonography; such as the Wireless Color Doppler Linear Ultrasound ScannerL2CD, to examine peripheral nerves in order to diagnose neuromuscular disorders. Physicians will get fresh insight and more specifics from the results of these tests, allowing them to develop a treatment plan that addresses a patient’s unique symptoms.
L2CD can be used to diagnose peripheral nerve diseases caused by compression neuropathies including carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy, and peroneal neuropathy, as well as any nerve or muscle damage.
Recently, ultrasound resolution and display improvements have made it increasingly useful in the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders; additionally, the technique is widely available, inexpensive, and, unlike electrodiagnostic studies, painless.